I can create very professional custom forms that I can keep visitors IP address, logic forwards, full html inputs, SEO compatible, less CSS and less code as possible to keep page speed fast as possible. These forms can connect to external data sources to export their data to connect Twilio API systems. Custom design to increase Conversion rate on pages with conversion follow by percentage results.
All forms stored by id and their last edit
how many view vs submissions, if its a public form on every single page such as widget then we may see numbers cant really guide us well
the submissions section to be able to export and view online, all of the submissions stored on our mysql table
this is such a sample form with very basic inputs, I can add insert every single html function in it. with many logic connection such as if customer fill name then show phone number or iff customer doesnt pick a date then dont show submit button.
some of most popular mailer apps and their smart api connections
I can also use all these addons to make more advanced forms. very easy and simple fastest payment forms or pre populated inputs for present customers or user registration thru forms so we can gather users or customer or members from a single spot easily! customers can sign papers on digital platform, export as pdf, can create excel sheets, customers can publish their own post that we can use this function as central query management.
I have shown very simplified but this form knowledge is such a very big deal on big platforms seo, speed, compability and business side. its a very big deal actually.